How do I tell if a compressor is still under Flo warranty?

The nameplate of Flo units have 6 numeric digits in front of the Serial number on the units nameplate (i.e 201705-BXPN28194) which is found on the interior of the controls cabinet door. The first 6 numeric digits represent the year and month that the unit was produced. The compressor warranty is valid for 5 years from this date (subject to warranty certificate terms).

How do I tell if a compressor is still under Flo warranty?

The nameplate of Flo units have 6 numeric digits in front of the Serial number on the units nameplate (i.e 201705-BXPN28194) which is found on the interior of the controls cabinet door. The first 6 numeric digits represent the year and month that the unit was produced. The compressor warranty is valid for 5 years from this date (subject to warranty certificate terms).