Control Navigation FAQs

We have troubleshooting guides for both i-Controller (CN-IC1-09) and i-Controller 2.0 (CN-IC2-12) alarms. Both files are located inside SELF HELP/CONTROLS.

If you need the guide on how to connect to the Jace controller, please use CN-JAC-01. If you need the guide on how to connect to the n-Controller, please use CN-NOV-01. Both files are located inside SELF HELP/CONTROLS.

The simplest way to tell the difference is that i-Controller has a separate display called a Visograph and i-Controller 2.0 has a built in display.

We have two documents in our self help library to assist you with i-Controller 2.0 BMS integration. The Modbus document is CN-IC2-03 and the BACnet document is CN-IC2-10.

Depending on the i-Controller type, you will need to utilize one of our controller firmware update guides found under SELF HELP/CONTROLS in the tech support page of our website. You can either upload the firmware using a USB or a Windows 10 laptop.

We have a wide variety of controller navigation Technical Guides located in the SELF HELP/CONTROLS section of this website.

Our i-controller and i-Controller 2.0 navigation technical guides can be found within the SELF HELP/CONTROLS section of this website. Please utilize these guides to assist you in locating the firmware revision number within your controller.